

Kod EAN: 4007754426564

Wideband directional antenna Improving signal reception for wireless UHF microphone systems in the frequency range: 470-600 MHz ABS housing for UV resistance Ideally suited for directional reception or transmission indoors or outdoors Can be combined...




Wideband directional antenna
  • Improving signal reception for wireless UHF microphone systems in the frequency range: 470-600 MHz
  • ABS housing for UV resistance
  • Ideally suited for directional reception or transmission indoors or outdoors
  • Can be combined with antenna booster R-20A
  • BNC connections
Please note: RELACART products are distributed by MONACOR INTERNATIONAL exclusively in the following countries: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, Portugal, Malta. Orders from other countries cannot be fulfilled.


Frequency range 470-600 MHz
Aperture angle H: 80°/V: 60°
Antenna gain 7 dB
Impedance level 50 Ω
Dimensions 180 x 210 x 44 mm
Weight 300 g
Connection BNC